Red Rock
Category Archives: Destination Venues
Helicopter Tours
Las Vegas Attraction
Your Room We can even marry you in your hotel room. We have a ton of incredible wedding venues for you to get married in Las Vegas, but sometimes your hotel room or Las Vegas suite is the best location for you. We offer amazing Traditional, Themed and Elvis weddings even in the comfort of […]
The High Roller So you want to get married on The High Roller overlooking the incredible lights of Las Vegas? You’ve found the right place, we can help you get tickets and get married at one of the coolest attractions in Las Vegas. Wedding Venue Features Venue Type: Wedding Venue Style: High Roller Ferris Wheel […]
Freemont Street Experience Want to get married in old Las Vegas on Freemont Street, no problem. Old Las Vegas is just a short ride from our chapel and your hotel room, let us pick you up in style, you can take a photo tour to old Vegas and get married at our chapel, or we […]
The Las Vegas Sign Want a wedding at the famous Las Vegas Sign, then we’ve got you covered. We’ve been marring couples in Las Vegas for over 20 years and we love performing weddings at the Las Vegas Sign, add a photo tour and wedding reception and you are really doing it Las Vegas style! […]